PHOTO 2021

Hoda Afshar

In her PHOTO 2021 commission, Agonistes, Tehran-born, Melbourne-based visual artist Hoda Afshar explores the experiences of people who have spoken out. Combining new and old photographic techniques, Afshar creates images that reflect the experiences of whistleblowers who have voiced harms and misconducts being perpetrated in Australian institutions today.

Acts of whistleblowing aimed at calling attention to alleged wrongdoing or misconduct continue to make headlines around the world. But despite the introduction of policies meant to protect them, the efforts of whistleblowers in Australia are increasingly being undermined by gag orders, policing, and other forms of control – by efforts to silence those who have spoken out, and to discourage anyone who might think to.

Whether whistleblowing on matters to do with immigration detention, youth detention, or aged and disability care, Afshar’s subjects have spoken out for those whose voices were never meant to be heard.

Hoda Ashfar’s Agonistes will be shown at two locations. Her film work will be premiered at Missing Persons. The accompanying photographic work can be viewed outside St Paul’s Cathedral, Swanston Street, Melbourne. See event details.

Listen to Hoda Afshar on Radio National. Find more at ABC News

Dates: 19 February to 7 March 2021.
Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 12:00–5:00pm

Image: Hoda Afshar, Agonistes (still) 2020, 1-channel digital video, colour, sound. Courtesy the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane.