

Moss Tunstall, Alexandra Nemarič, Matt Finish, Troppo Print Studio, Henry Holder, Love Manifesto

Melbourne artists reimagine their art to wear in ARTWEAR FESTIVAL, featuring one-off and collectible garments that are upcycled, patched, painted, printed, stained, hand-coloured, stitched, dyed and bleached using printmaking techniques and cellulose experiments that summon a punk aesthetic and sensibility.

Local, independent and a collective effort, ARTWEAR FESTIVAL blends art and fashion in this free, week-long celebration of the DIY spirit.

Dates: 1 to 7 December 2021. Attend on Facebook
Download a copy of the Press Release and Festival Program 

Please Do Not Eat The Sculptures

Nabilah Nordin

Please Do Not Eat The Sculptures​ is a social gathering that brings together food, art and people.

Moving from the studio to the kitchen and back again, Nabilah Nordin brings her enduring fascination with texture, colour and form to a new series of works that sit somewhere between the abject and the delicious. Oozing gloops of icing and towers of toast meet enormous strings of spaghetti and wonky plastered structures. The hallmarks of Nordin’s practice – visceral curves, playful and naive mark-making, and impossibly exaggerated forms are intertwined with entrees, mains and desserts. Food serves as a new frontier for Nordin’s ongoing celebration of the sensuous qualities of the tactile and the endless possibilities of material invention.

The exhibition questions how both art and food work a type of “social magic” – they both bring people together and stimulate discussion, they lubricate social interactions and catalyse celebration, humour, and collaboration. Together with curator and friend, Sophie Prince, Nordin will explore the makings and boundaries of communities through the union of food and art.

Join us for Please Do Not Eat The Sculptures on the 8 May from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

Dates: 8 May 2021. See Menu

Download the Press Release and Curatorial Statement


By Chance the Future

Amy Rudder 

LONDON. 2001. It’s the new millennium, with a minute more of pre-mobile phone, pre-terrorism hysteria, pre-social media life to live. Jackie escapes Sydney suburbia. She’s an outsider with a bad haircut. Wild mood swings. She knows everything. She knows nothing.

Why was Sef kicked out of the hostel?

Immigration detention, drum and bass, Berlusconi’s boys’ club. Spearmint Rhinos, capital cash flows, Stephen Lawrence’s murder … By Chance the Future is a story that shows how reflecting on where we were 20 years ago can tell us where we are today—at a distance, with hindsight—if only we look.

Amy Rudder’s debut book blends travel writing, philosophical treatise, self-deprecating comedy and political criticism; the author highlighting both our very human hypocrisy and genuine attempts to connect, and the singularity and the sameness of our youthful adventures as we attempt to individuate from our families and countries of origin.

Join us for the Melbourne book launch. Register here.

Date: Friday, 23 April from 6:00pm–8:00pm

Download a copy of the Media Release.